Low back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by physiotherapists. If you have ever suffered, you know that severe back pain can start to take over your life. For improved understanding, health professionals have identified some common myths about back pain that are inaccurate, misleading or even counterproductive.
Myth #1 – Discs can ‘slip’ out of place
In-between the vertebrae of the spine there are soft discs that act to provide shock absorption and flexibility to the spine. In the past, as a way of explaining the physiology of the pain, many health professionals including both doctors and physiotherapists, have told patients that these discs had ‘slipped’. While this can provide some extent, it is not entirely accurate, as these discs are actually very secure and rarely, if ever ‘slip’ out of place. Discs can bulge slightly or in some cases tear, however more often than not these are acute injuries that heal without any permanent damage and exist in many people without causing any pain at all. However, thinking that a part of your spine has permanently ‘slipped’ out of place can cause you to move differently, which can create more pain and dysfunction in itself.
Myth #2 – If you have low back pain, you should stay in bed
When back pain strikes, our natural instinct is to rest, avoid movement and wait for the pain to pass. However, studies have in fact shown that being active and performing targeted, light exercises can help reduce low back pain. Our impulse to stop moving and protect our spines can actually encourage abnormal movement patterns and stress, leading to chronic pain after the original injury has healed. If you are unsure of the exercises best for your injury, your physiotherapist can help guide you with an individualized exercise program.
Myth #3 – Severe pain means severe damage
Pain that is severe, and occurs suddenly without warning, can be a frightening experience. If this happens to you, it’s normal to assume you must have sustained a very serious injury. However, the fact is that the spine, being surrounded by nerves and complex nerve roots, is a particularly sensitive area of the body, meaning pain in this area can be very strong without significant damage. A small ligament sprain or muscle tear can actually cause an intense amount of pain. It’s likely that this severe pain will settle down quickly, even disappearing within a few days. In many cases, symptoms that last for longer than 2-3 weeks are caused by changes to your movement patterns in response to this pain and not the original injury itself.
If you are suffering from back pain, the best person to speak to is your physiotherapist. They can help you to recover without any complications or side effects and help you safely return to your usual activities while also ruling out any serious damage that might need further investigation.
None of the information in this article is a replacement for proper medical advice. Always see a medical professional for advice on your individual injury.